Starting conversations through joyful products. Socks, shirts, mugs, and stickers feet-uring the saints!
Print Shop quality with a heart for your Catholic mission. Whether you need custom shirts, bags, or other swag, we're the preferred printing partner for all of your parish, school, and ministry needs.
Beautiful and unique Catholic home goods that build up and beautify the domestic church.
Open your free online
parish merch store in 2 weeks.
Zero hassle, zero effort.
Catholic Concepts is proud to
run the officially licensed store
for the National Eucharistic
Congress and Revival
Unique tees, hoodies, and
stickers where punk rock meets
monastic spirituality.

Imagine a world where ideas, products, and brands rooted in living out the Catholic faith were successful, mainstream, and celebrated.
That's why Catholic Concepts exists. We're a launch pad for great ideas with an eye on the eternal and feet on the ground. We’ve seen incredible creativity and innovation coming out of the Catholic sphere, and we want to be a resource and a haven for these good ideas to ignite the imagination of the nation! Catholic Concepts brands all feed our mission to start conversations through joyful products and services.
For any inquiries, questions or commendations, please call: 317-960-4840 or fill out the form below.
Contact Us
5305 Commerce Square Dr
Suite B
Indianapolis, IN 46237
Tel: 317-960-4840